Last Gasp for Salmon

(October 6, 2020 newsletter) — With the waning days of the salmon season upon us, a surge of new fish have brightened prospects and brought new life to the Marin county coastline. The biters arrived last week, and have mostly stayed on the chomped the past few days. It may not last long, but as of today it allows a reasonable opportunity.

The past month’s fishing was a grind with long pauses interrupted by screaming drags and large salmon. This is more typical fall activity that will likely return sooner rather than later. The season ends November 8.

For the first time in awhile crab season has a slight overlap into salmon. The crustacean opener is November 7. We are booked that weekend, but do have some weekdays and the following Saturday open for crab/rockfish combos.

Typically the Argo plays the crab game for the first coupled weeks of the season, or until the commercial season opens. If the weather gets snotty we’ll turn our nose toward San Pablo Bay looking for striped bass, halibut and sturgeon. Good numbers of striped bass have already arrived.

Halibut are still actively eating well-placed anchovies in the bay. We’re scoring close to a two-fish per rod average, or better on many recent trips. Assuming live bait is still available the action should continue into November. There’s even an occasional white sea bass adding spice to the box.

The Argo has room on a salmon trip tomorrow, and space throughout the week. The first available weekend is October 31.


Hauling Crab


Up and Down Salmon